Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find answers for the most frequent question we get
Are these products compatible with my calculator?
We manufacture RAM cards specifically designed for HP48 calculators. Our 128kB cards are compatible with both the HP48SX and HP48GX models.
However, please note that the 1MB and 2MB cards are exclusively compatible with the HP48GX model and must be inserted into port 2 only.
I received an "Invalid Card Data" message when I turned
on my calculator. Is this normal?
Yes, this is entirely normal. Our RAM cards function similarly to other RAM cards in the market. They are made with static RAM, meaning when you power your card for the first time (either with a CR2016 battery or by turning on your calculator), all memory addresses contain uninitialized data, causing the aforementioned message. Here's how you can resolve this:

For an HP48GX: Press [left-shift], then [2], and finally [PINIT (soft key)]. This procedure initializes all available RAM ports and does not affect any data already stored on the card.

For an HP48SX: Simply store a variable in the RAM. This action initializes the card and ensures its proper functionality.

Have further questions?

We'd be happy to help.
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